Past Works

In my senior year of High school, me and my classmates were all made to enter a competition called the Quality of Life. Where we spent a class period and the whole year writing one big research paper that would be implemented if chosen as one of the 3 winners. Not only this, but there was a prize reward and other benefits for us since we were applying to colleges. Throughout that year, we had to learn how to research evidence and sources as well as interview hand out surveys to the public to gather our own data for our proposals. I wrote about home economics and how every school should implement that class again to teach students the responsibilities and the skills needed to be an independent adult. In the link below, you can see that I also have visual representations of the data to depict and make it simple for readers to understand the need for home economics or just a better program in schools.

As for the other two links below, both are related to college. One is the college essay or the personal essay that we were required to write so that colleges can read it and know more about us as individuals. And the other essay, which I forgot who I wrote it for or why I wrote it, was about how I decided my major as an architect.

From these past works that I have written, It seems I had a clear idea of what I was doing. The only difference between now and then is the amount of knowledge I have in the specific components of writing as well as a clear understanding of what to look for when writing or reading.

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